Offer Wall / 404 Error Page Template


Instead of just turning your visitors away with a lame error message on a worthless 404 error page, use this page as an opportunity to keep people in your business.

It’s very likely that you’ve already seen hundreds of such pages in your life.

A 404 page is an error page that is displayed to a visitor if they try to access a page that does not or no longer exist.

While seeing such an error page is frustrating as a consumer, think of all the missed opportunities for new leads and sales as a business owner.

I used to sell this template but after creating a YouTube video in which I talk about how you can create your own 404 offer wall page on, I decided to give this template away for free.

So don't miss out and get this fully customizable Offer Wall / 404 Error Page template and create your own profitable version of it!

It is very easy to set up, even as a complete beginner and you will get access to a detailed instruction video!

Want to see an example? [Click on this example link that does not exist in my business] to see my own Offer Wall / 404 Error Page that I use for my business.

Build your own Offer Wall / 404 Error Page now.

Watch the YouTube video below to learn how you can turn a useless error page into an opportunity in your business with your own custom Offer Wall / 404 Error Page.


The hosting of your own Offer Wall / 404 Error Page is completely FREE on a free account. An account is required so that you can customize your own page. If you're new to, [click here] to see the plans. The free plan is truly free without a time limit.

Total: $47 FREE!

  • Fully customizable Offer Wall / 404 Page template
  • Add as many offers as you want on your own page
  • Easy-to-set up template to keep visitors on your pages!
  • Your Offer Wall is hosted completely free on
  • Simple & detailed instruction video included


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